myr·mi·don: a loyal follower; especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously.
Q. What fonts are used in Myrmidon’s banners?
A. “Myrmidon” is written using “Bleeding Cowboy.”
Q. What do you use to draw?
A. Generally Painter 9 and my 6x8 Wacom. Any color pieces were done on a Dell, but sketches may have been made while using a MacBook.
Q. How come you only schedule updates on Tuesday and Friday?
A. Unfortunately, I’m a full time graduate student with two jobs. I just can’t commit to a more vigorous schedule. Tuesday and Friday work well because this not only coincides with two of my lighter workdays but also puts the novel updating on one popular MWF day and one “off” day. I would love to switch to a three day updating schedule, and may be able to do so at least temporarily over the summer.
Q. Who are you?
A. Beyond the student/worker combination, I’m a 20-something North American with a very active imagination. I like sci-fi and fantasy… hence Myrmidon!