These profiles may contain spoilers regarding the characters' histories and motivations. If you want to learn about everyone more slowly, consider skipping this page. If you want a little quick and dirty, however, read on.
Profiles are added as characters are introduced.
race: Half-Elf
age: mid 20’s
height: 5’4”
hair color: dark red
eye color: gray
proficiencies: explosives and demolition; handguns
Anai’s love-hate relationship with TNT began at an early age when a bomb exploded near her tenement, killing her parents and scarring her face. She became determined to learn whatever she could about the violence that destroyed her childhood and is now adept at building a startlingly wide variety of destructive devices. Unfortunately, the same driven curiosity that helps to motivate her studies also frequently gets her into all sorts of sticky situations. Her comrades joke that "mayday" just means "Anai" in another language. She says they're only teasing because she's beautiful.
race: Drow
age: 83
height: 6’2”
hair color: white
eye color: cloudy blue
proficiencies: magical optics; warped healing magic; swordsmanship
Eight out of nine children think Lars is a scary bastard, and if asked, Lars would argue he has every right to be angry. Exiled with his half breed mother, he witnessed his father’s politically sanctioned assassination, handed down for the double offense of “being Drow and sleeping with a halfie.”
Lars’ magical gift is strong enough that he could live fairly comfortably if he decided to pass as a fullblood and endure the prejudices against Drow, but his anger at his parents’ treatment led him to join the resistance group instead. Unfortunately, because there are no magic schools available to half breeds, his power is largely wild, unpredictable, and dependent on his temper. Thankfully, Lars is generally not hotheaded. However, he remains rather unreliable in emotionally charged situations.